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дни техписателей

По мотивам обсуждений в чате https://t.me/technicalwriters 2024-02-02.

1 февраля
f1 как традиционный способ вызывать помощь.
2 февраля
По той же логике, что 23 января, у русскоязычных как раз 2 февраля. 33 буквы :) https://natabusinka.livejournal.com/22794.html Нужен ли нам отдельный «день русскоязычного техписа»?
3 марта
Просто день писателя.
14 апреля
104-ый день года по количеству кнопок на стандартной клавиатуре. В високосные годы 13 апреля.
17 сентября
необъяснимо :)) https://shamanidze.livejournal.com/10006.html
17 декабря
1998 года была принята резолюция Совета Европы, в которой говорится о необходимости профессии «для обеспечения потребителям доступа к адекватной эксплуатационной документации, гарантирующей корректное и полноценное использование продукта». https://devby.io/news/s-dnyom-tehnicheskogo-pisatelya

У англоязычных:

January 23 (the 23rd day of the year)
the modern English alphabet is based on the classical Latin one which has 23 letters (или 21, и вообще на исторический момент смотреть надо :)). As letters are literary ‘writing material’, that would be a nice way to celebrate writing. Why Latin? Well, it is one of the most important alphabets in the history of human race, and many languages have alphabets originated from it.
April 15
the day Leonardo da Vinci was born. What does he haqve to do with technical writing? Well, the mechanical printing press was invented, the Age of Reason began, and those factors led to the necessity to start documenting stuff. And, Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most famous tech writers of his time! He was documenting all his inventions, and his ‘user manuals’ haven’t lost popularity since :)
April 27
the day the first typewriter was patented by Franz Xavier Wagner. This invention would later lead to appearance of modern keyboards - one of the main tools for tech writers.
August 7
first, we figured that modern technical writing is closely connected with computers (duh!), so the day when the first personal computer was developed by Howard Hathaway Aiken and four other engineers in 1944 seems to be the perfect match.
July 6
the term "Industrial Revolution" was mentioned in writing for the first time in a letter from French envoy Louis-Guillaume Otto. The Industrial Revolution signified the start of the modern technical writing era.


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