Клёвая штука, чтоб генерить картиночки.
- http://www.andreas-maschke.com/ - The Official JWildfire Blog – Flame Fractals and more
- https://github.com/thargor6/JWildfire/blob/master/manual/src/docs/asciidoc/JWildfire_manual.adoc#jwildfire_cli - тут доки, и можно отметить, что там есть возможность делать многое из командной строки. И это интересно.
- упаковать флейм в png-файл - попытка облегчить хранение. :)
15.1. How to set up the CLI
To use the CLI you need a valid JWildfire installation and a JDK (Java development kit) in version 8 or higher.
Please note: The complete JWildfire-installation is required as soon as more advanced function like GPU-rendering are involved. When you only use basic features, it may be sufficient to place the j-wildfire.jar in the Java classpath.
In any case, you should remember/locate the path where the j-wildfire.jar of your JWildfire installation is located. You will need this location when executing the CLI.
15.1.1. Basic example: create a random flame
Open a terminal and enter the folder of a typical JWildfire installation. In this example the folder is called "jwildfire-7.30". Execute the command:
java -cp ./jwildfire-7.30/lib/j-wildfire.jar org.jwildfire.cli.RandomFlameGenerator
It should both generate a flame and a rendered preview of this flame in the current folder.
15.1.2. Avalailable EndPoints
In the example above you have called the EndPoint to generate random-flames. Currently, there are the following EndPoints:
15.1.3. EndPoint Options
To get a list of options, you can call the End Point with the –help -Parameter
java -cp ./jwildfire-7.30/lib/j-wildfire.jar org.jwildfire.cli.RandomFlameGenerator –help
15.2. FlameRenderer-EndPoint: Rendering flames using the CLI
This EndPoint supports both CPU- and GPU-rendering. Example:
java -cp ./jwildfire-7.30/lib/j-wildfire.jar org.jwildfire.cli.FlameRenderer -f ./aacae305-d08a-4515-abaa-ca5c668f452b.flame -w 800 -h 600 -q 50 -gpu -dn OPTIX
usage: FlameRenderer -dn,–denoiser <arg> ai-based post-denoiser -f,–flame <arg> flame path -fdn,–forceDenoiser force ai-based post-denoiser -gpu,–useGPU render using GPU -h,–renderHeight <arg> render height -q,–renderQuality <arg> render quality -w,–renderWidth <arg> render width