- nov.el - читалка epub для emacs.
- ebook2epub, sigil, epub-utils, epubcheck - когда осваивалась с epub. Неплохой формат, кста.
- epub-utils
contains the following utilities:- einfo : provides some basic info about an EPUB document, such as metadata, reading order, etc.
- lit2epub : converts a LIT file to EPUB (using convlit and zip).
einfo из epub-utils выдаёт, например:
einfo Murakami_H_-_Pisatel_kak_professija.574791.epub Filename: Murakami_H_-_Pisatel_kak_professija.574791.epub Root(s): OPS/content.opf (application/oebps-package+xml) Title(s): Писатель как профессия Creator(s): Author: Харуки Мураками (Харуки Мураками) Identifier(s): urn:uuid:043ea3f6-3f85-11ea-aa86-0cc47a5453d6(unspecified:bookid) isbn:978-5-04-107833-1(unspecified:bookid1) Reading order: id3(L) id18(L) id20(L) id8(L) id5(L) id17(L) id14(L) id25(L) id24(L) id22(L) id10(L) id7(L) id4(L) id16(L) id13(L) id11(L) id23(L) id21(L) id9(L) id6(L) id15(L) Guide: cover -> images/cover.jpg(cover) Extra local metadata: FB2.book-info.translator : Елена Михайловна Байбикова FB2.book-info.date : 2015-01-01 FB2.document-info.program-used : FictionBook Editor Release 2.6.7 FB2.document-info.src-url : http://www.litres.ru/pages/biblio_book/?art=50204235 FB2.document-info.src-ocr : Текст предоставлен правообладателем FB2.document-info.history : V 1.0 by prussol FB2.document-info.id : 043ea3f6-3f85-11ea-aa86-0cc47a5453d6 FB2.document-info.version : 1.0 FB2.document-info.date : 2015-01-01 FB2.publish-info.book-name : Писатель как профессия / Харуки Мураками ; [перевод с японского Е. Байбиковой]. / Мураками, Харуки. FB2.publish-info.city : Москва FB2.publish-info.year : 2020 FB2EPUB.version : 0.5.0 FB2EPUB.conversionDate : 2021-02-10T01:28:06-05:00 cover : id1
- EPUB Validator (beta) http://validator.idpf.org/
- python3-ebooklib
EbookLib is a Python library for managing EPUB2/EPUB3 and Kindle files. It's capable of reading and writing EPUB files programmatically (Kindle support is under development).
The API is designed to be as simple as possible, while at the same time making complex things possible too. It has support for covers, table of contents, spine, guide, metadata and more.
Домашняя страница: https://github.com/aerkalov/ebooklib - pageedit - WYSIWYG editor
- libgepub is a GObject based library for handling and rendering epub documents
- libepubgen - library for generating EPUB documents.
- libepub0 - The ebook-tools provide ways for accessing and converting different ebook file formats. This C library is free and portable. It includes methods to parse EPUB files and extract their contents. This package provides the main epub library. Домашняя страница: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ebook-tools
- FlightCrew is an epub validator written in C++. It is used by sigil to validate epub files, and may be generally useful for other epub creation utilities. Домашняя страница: https://github.com/Sigil-Ebook/flightcrew
- sigil - делает epub из пачки html-ек. Позволяет редактировать.
- epubcheck - проверялка-валидатор для файлов epub. (ebook2epub и epub-utils вроде не прижились)
- foliate - еще читалка. Вроде, неплохая.
epub из латеха
- http://therandymon.com/index.php?/archives/150-Making-an-EPUB-from-LaTeX.html
- https://github.com/michal-h21/tex4ebook - сразу делает epub, либо epub3, либо mobi.
Все посты