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Сервисы для приёма донатов

Собирание некоторой суммы в благодарность за и так выкладываемое

Развитые сервисы этого типа также пытаются быть почти-патреоном, и собирать людей уже не в исходном пространстве владельца, а в пространстве сервиса.

Плюшка, важная для авторов - подписка, а не только разовое вознаграждение. Самая главная причина, наверное, почему эти сервисы нужны, почему недостаточно просто дать ссылку на тот же paypal или номер карты.

Вторая по важности - они часто предоставляют широкий выбор возможностей, как заплатить, чтоб по возможности любому, кто захотел дать денег, это было удобно, «не спугнуть».



Кажется, наиболее симпатичен, и частично на русском. Но сложен тем, что жертвователь должен зарегистрироваться на Liberapay и перевести туда сумму, и только потом что-то уходит тем, кому оный жертвователь хотел что-то жертвовать.

Liberapay is a way to donate money recurrently to people whose work you appreciate.

Liberapay does not take a cut of payments, recipients get the full face value. The service is funded by the donations to its own account.

What are the differences between Liberapay and other recurrent crowdfunding platforms?

  1. Liberapay is only for donations, meaning that transactions must not be linked to a contract nor a promise of recompense.
  2. Liberapay is an open project structured around a non-profit organization, which sets it apart from commercial platforms like Patreon and Flattr.
  3. Liberapay is neutral, you can create an account without having to wait for us to approve it.
  4. We care about internationalization, our service supports multiple currencies and is translated into many languages (you can contribute).


Кажется, самый известный сервис этого класса.

A free, fast and friendly way to accept donations💰

Buy Me A Coffee is a free platform for creators (bloggers, developers, artists) to receive donations from their audience in a friendly manner 🎉

FEATURES: – Multiple payout options: Paypal and Stripe (direct bank transfer). – One-click payment for supporters. – Your beautiful 'Buy Me A Coffee' page that showcases your goals and comments by supporters. – Customizable button to embed on websites + Wordpress plugin with widgets and stats – Domain name 😉 They say the domain speaks for itself. – Personalised ‘Thank you message’, which is often used by creators to reward supporters. – In the pipeline: Rewards/lockable content, Wix and Weebly plugin, more payment options (Bitcoin, Apple Pay, Android Pay), referral program and much more.

Пишут, с плагинами и интеграцией там очень хорошо.



Ko-fi's a friendly way to ask fans to support your work for the price of a coffee. Coffee's just a metaphor (You don’t have to buy actual coffee!).

  • 0% fee on your donations,
  • Get paid instantly from fans, even with just 1 donation,
  • Receive money directly into your PayPal or Stripe account. No waiting around to get your money!
  • Create a fundraising goal and tell your fans what you'll do with the money,
  • Supporters can leave messages of support and celebrate your progress,
  • Upload images to your Gallery and create Posts with links and videos to share your best work,
  • Automatically notify your supporters and followers when you add new content.

Ko-fi Gold - платная подписка для авторов контента. Чтоб не задаваться вопросом «а с чего сервис живёт-то при 0%?»

  • Reward supporters with exclusive content,
  • Manage Commissions,
  • Recieve monthly Subscriptions,
  • Customize your page.


Tipeee is a new way of crowdfunding based on the concept of leaving a tip.

Here creators are passionate people who already provide, on a regular basis, free content to their community. However, unlike a traditional crowdfunding platform, creators on Tipeee don’t seek a large amount of money in order to make their projects happen. On the contrary, creators on Tipeee solicit fans to support them for what they already do!

Собирание подписчиков в пространстве сервиса

Заводится ещё пространство, в котором надо что-то выкладывать, в придачу ко всем остальным.

И там важно выкладывать что-то, что люди не найдут в других местах, или по крайней мере, увидят это раньше. Разные уровни подписки, разное выкладываемое для разных уровней, вся вот эта хлопотная история. Не обязательно, но (надо найти ссылку) тот же Andy Matushak писал, что оказалось важно.

При этом предыдущие публичные пространства, которые позволили набрать людей на такую подписку, тоже вести надо, потому что по опыту человечества в подписке постоянно происходит отток (по разным людским обстоятельствам, прежде всего. Это нормально), который надо компенсировать новопришедшими.

Зато обычно есть некоторая клиентская база сервиса, которая временами даже смотрит не только на уже знакомых любимцев, но и ищет что-то новенькое.



Понятно, самый известный вариант - Патреон.

Patreon is the best place for creators to establish ongoing and predictable monthly revenue and expand their career as a creator. Patreon also helps fans connect in a new way with the creators they love most. Today, Patreon pays millions of dollars every month to the tens of thousands of creators who have Patreon pages, whether they are creating podcasts, music, fiction, game streams, online videos, photography, visual art, and more. https://www.patreon.com/


https://boosty.to/ Аналог Патреона. Комиссии в явном виде не указывает, но есть автосчиталка на странице, ~7\%.

2021-06-24 22:31:55 +0300 Продолжает иметь репутацию сыроватого.

Cloud Patron

https://github.com/cloudpatron/cloudpatron Опенсорсная самостоятельно хостимая альтернатива патреону.

Cloud Patron is an open source membership platform that enables fans to support creators with monthly subscriptions. Creators can customize support levels, set goals, and post updates for their patrons. Supports monthly credit card billing using Stripe.

Очевидно, что здесь возникает ещё проблема набора клиентской базы.

И пишут, неактивны с 2019 г.


Steady helps publishers to convert their readers, listeners and viewers - in short, their audience - into paying supporters. Publishers are individuals and teams who regularly publish content, whether via blogs, videos, photographs or podcasts. Using Steady, publishers can easily set up a project page that allows their community members to make recurring monthly financial contributions and access exclusive content. Steady is unique in using proven crowdfunding methods to help publishers earn regular income. Publishers retain full control over their projects and ownership of their content. Readers, viewers, listeners and followers can use Steady to financially support their favourite publishers with small monthly contributions.

sther - заявляют, что хотят поддерживать своих авторов, особенно из уязвимых групп

Sther is a socially-conscious crowdsourcing, subscription-based platform. Like Patreon, the platform allows creators to make a profile page that promotes their work. Followers can subscribe at different pledge levels and creators provide exclusive content in return for the pledge.

Sther is a benefit corporation that focuses on promoting and supporting creators from underrepresented/marginalized backgrounds and their allies. This doesn't mean that your content should be focused on these issues, it just means that we are declaring that you matter and that we're actively working for you. We know that women, LGBTQ+ and people of color regularly face abuse online for challenging the status quo. We're tired of seeing this happen and that's why we created sther. When you join our platform, you benefit from a policy of dealing with abuse though a community-based consensus decision-making process (see our blog for more information). We also encourage those who are still building a following to join the site. Many platforms are only interested in those people who already have a strong following online because that maximizes their profit. We want to help you build a community around your content, that grows your earnings and ours!

Unlike Patreon and others that take anywhere from 5-10% of your profit, Sther's fee is only 3%. Patreon also tend to hang on to your money for extended periods of time. Sther does not. If Stripe is available in your country, the money you make from subscriptions goes directly into your account as soon as it's charged, so you have full control of when your money transfers to your bank account.

Работают с использованием системы Stripe. То есть, в России проблематично.

Собирание на проекты

Такого, кажется, больше всего. Начиная с кикстартера и планеты. Но для меня - неинтересный вариант. Поэтому сюда что-то попадает скорее случайно.


Stripe charges a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction - this goes to Stripe, FreeFunder does not take any part of that.

FreeFunder is proud to provide a completely free fundraising platform for donation-based campaigns. Our mission is to provide the best crowdfunding experience, and to do it for free! With our Free Campaigns, fundraisers can create, publish and collect money from a completely free, donation-based campaign. FreeFunder does not collect platform fees from the Campaign Owner (fundraiser) nor the person donating to the campaign. In true crowdfunding fashion, FreeFunder relies on the completely voluntary donations of contributors in order to operate and fulfill our mission to provide the best crowdfunding experience for free.

Не умеет вознаграждений за пожертвование и всего такого.


FundRazr is the easy-to-use crowdfunding site for anyone, anywhere, to raise money for any project or cause online.

FundRazr enables crowdfunding and fundraising by sharing your project with friends and family and finding new supporters via social media.

Visit our website to check out some fundraising ideas our thousands of customers used to reach their funding goals. People like you can raise money for health, memorials, accidents, education, travel, and more.

FundRazr makes reaching your fundraising goals simple, social and secure.


https://beerpay.io/ - кажется, клёвая тема для разработчиков на гитхабе. https://alternativeto.net/software/civicrm/ - crm для нко. Интегрируется с вордпрессом, джумлой и т.п.

Лейка - плагин для пожертвований на вордпрессный сайт.

https://leyka.te-st.ru/ https://leyka.te-st.ru/instruction/ - инструкции. Лучше для НКО, но для физлица тож возможно.

Open Collective - для финансирования групп их участниками

https://opencollective.com/pricing - Пэйпал + 5%.


Recurring funding for groups. Accept money without creating a new bank account, and be fully transparent about where that money is going.

SuperPay - сервис платежей

На основе Stripe, так что с Россией не работают. Раньше была страничка, где это внятно написано, сейчас докопаться сложнее.

https://alternativeto.net/software/superpay/ SuperPay is a new easy to use payments system. We allow you to accept online payments for anything. It's very easy to use and create your companies own payments page with ZERO code or complex setup.

It's all web based so no need to install any apps or additional setup or maintenance.

And unlike other services we don't require you clients to create an account or sign in to pay you.

And we have loads of really cool features like free email and sms notifications straight to your customers inbox/phone.

And all of this is housed under one simple pricing tier. 2.4% + 20p per transaction

That's right no signup fee, monthly fee or anything else. Pay only for what you use.

Get paid faster and more securely than ever before with SuperPay.

Не совсем понятное мне

Не разобралась, давно не смотрела, всё вот это.

Возможно, помаленьку буду разбираться с этим. Или нет.


Съедает 10% - 5 себе, 5 платёжным системам.

Flattr is a social micropayment service, that makes it easy for you to "flatter" things on the internet that you like. When you're registered to Flattr, you pay a small monthly fee of your own choosing. At the end of the month, that fee is divided between all the things you flattered. You can even flatter things in the real world, with the Flattr Android app!

Since you're always logged into your Flattr account, giving someone some flattr-love is always just a button away. Clicking one more button doesn't add to your fee, it just divides the fee between more people! Flattr tries to encourage people to share. Not only pieces of content, but also some money to support the people who created them. With love!

Тут получается, что надо встретиться человеку, который готов получать деньги через Flattr, и человеку, который готов раздавать деньги через Flattr, насколько я поняла.


do nxt http://donxt.com/ - не факт, что живо. Monthly recurring crowdfunding or subscription 2.0 for creative entrepreneurs and artists. Created by do nxt https://alternativeto.net/software/do-nxt/ http://donxt.com/ Free Web

We want to give talents the financial support they need to live their passion.

Fans can get in touch with talents, choose whom they want to support and help aspiring talents with as little as 3 CHF a month. Talents can grab the chance to earn a living with their passion. Over time, talents can build a portfolio on do nxt and private people as well as foundations and companies can browse through a pool of creative people brought together on do nxt.

Если у вас есть мысли, комментарии, предложения или отклики по поводу этой страницы или этого цифрового сада в целом, напишите мне сообщение на agnessa@agnessa.pp.ru. Мне ооочень интересно!


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